Livonia, Michigan Speed Traps

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Middlebelt between 96 and Plymouth Rd.

Livonia, MichiganAug 31, 20110 Comments

Heading south on Middlebelt, police sit on the south side of the railroad tracks between 96 and Plymouth Rd.

Stark between Hines Dr and Plymouth Rd

Livonia, MichiganAug 30, 20110 Comments

There is a cop that is parked in a res. driveway just about every morning @745 am… speed limit is 25 mph Be careful… i hate to donate to a cash rich city!

Exit Ramp to Service Drive from I-96 East to Newburgh Road

Livonia, MichiganAug 02, 20111 Comments

Exit Ramp to Service Drive from I-96 East to Newburgh Road is a ery short (distance) ramp and cops sit "behind" on the service drive where you exit. There is so little distance from the freeway (70 mph) to the service drive (35 mph) that you have to almost slam on your brakes.

I-275 from the M-14/ I-96 interchange, North to ~ 8 Mile

Livonia, MichiganMay 09, 20110 Comments

Cops love to sit along this stretch of highway, southbound and north, basically from the Schoolcraft area (5 mile) to 8 mile. Looking for speeders; and I see at least 3 cars a week getting tickets along this reach.

8 Mile Rd. btw Newburgh and the Farmington Ice Arena

Livonia, MichiganFeb 22, 20111 Comments

Cop sits in the entrance way to the Golfview Estates subdivision clocking east bound 8 Mile traffic.

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