Livonia, Michigan Speed Traps
Newburgh between 5 Mile and 6 Mile
Officer Jack D’Antonio of the Livonia police force sits in the parking lot of the Newburgh Swim Club between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM and tickets anyone going 30 MPH or over during the school zone speed limit hours. The normal speed limit is 45 MPH. School zone is 25 MPH.
You can’t see the cop car heading southbound on Newburgh because he’s hiding behing the bushes.
SLOOOOOOOOWWWWWW DOWN! I’ve heard this guy has even ticketed the spouses of other officers quite frequently.
I-96 at Newburgh
Cops often sit on the eastbound I-96 entrance ramp at Newburgh.
Interstate I-96 Westbound at Inkster Rd.
Cop sits on service drive sidewalk and radars down on top of you as soon as you come out from under Inkster rd. He is usually in a black pickup truck or suv and you will never see him until he pulls you over. He is there often!
6 Mile Road & Merriman
I see a cop sitting in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints parking lot (on the corner of the intersection) catching numerous people rushing through the intersection. They are sneaky and hide in the dark lot at night because nobody can see them. Go Slow if you are passing through this intersection at night, you Cannot see them.
Lyndon Street between Inkster and Farmington Roads
The entire length of Lyndon Street (which is the half mile mark between Five Mile Rd and Schoolcraft/96) is a giant speed trap. I’ve gotten a ticket there for going 30 in the 25 before and see cars getting tickets on a daily basis when I drop off and pick up my nephew from school. They park various unmarked cars along the 3-4 mile stretch as if they were just another resident. I have even seen a motorcylce cop there that looks just like the CHiPs bikes from TV! I’m not promoting speeding in a residential area by any means but if they merely wanted you to slow down they would put standard police cruisers out with identifiable marks and you’d pay heed to it without a second thought. Just letting everybody know.