Romulus, Michigan Speed Traps
I-94 and I-275 Romulus Area
Count the entire area near Detroit Metro Airport. The city gets most of its law enforcement funding through tickets. Most of the cars that use LED lights are unmarked.
Eureka Rd & Wayne Rd
When exiting the airport via John Dingell Dr onto Eureka Rd westbound, as you accelerate to merge onto Eureka the 45 MPH speed limit sign is located well after you merge into traffic. However, the speed trap is set up just pass the speed limit sign. By the time you notice the sign it’s too late and you are caught. We had just arrived in Michigan for a vacation and got caught there. The officer even made a comment that we had just rented the car from Budget. After writing our ticket he went back to his spot to wait for his next victim.
I-275 Expressway near Detroit Airport
Michigan State Police have unmarked different color Dodge Magnums. The windows are tinted, and there is no way to tell the difference between a regular Magnum and a State Police one. I drive this route daily, and I believe they have an officer stationed on top of the overpass by the airport, and he clocks your speed. He then calls ahead to the other officers in the magnums. At one time you may see up to 6 or 7 Magnums with flashing lights pulling over cars.
Eureka Street near Overpass
Heading Westbound on Eureka on the Southside of the airport you come around a slight bend in the road and go under an overpass. You can’t see enforcement sitting on the Northside airport property entrance facing Eastbound behind a small hill. Also applies to traffic leaving for I-275 coming off of the airport property ramp onto Westbound Eureka.
I-275 Northbound Expressway near Pennsylvania Road
Office will be on the Pennsylvania Road overpass, usually in a white, unmarked SUV. He has a radar gun and will be aiming it on oncoming, northbound traffic. I have seen up to 6 police cars sitting on the side of the road, usually under the Eureka Road overpass, waiting for the radio call to pull over speeders.
The police vehicles are not easily seen until it is too late. Most of the police vehicles are unmarked, or "ghost" marked Dodge Chargers.