Romulus, Michigan Speed Traps
Eureka Road near Metro Airport
Police park in airport driveways when conducting Laser traffic enforcement. Use caution when travelling westbound on Eureka from Metro Airport.Enforcement usually conducted when traffic is light to moderate during day and at night.
Interstate 94 near Beech Daly & Vining Road
Be careful anywhere around Michigan’s largest airport! Local municipal services take advantage of out of town visitors! This speed trap would be perfect: Between Beech Daly and Middlebelt. The romulus cop sits in the emergency turn around right after Middlebelt if heading east or right after Ecorse exit if heading west. This turn around is hidden. Heading westbound at this turnaround there is only three lanes of traffic. Many of these drivers are from or around the area and are aware of romulus cops. So these aware citizens make it a point to drive 60 in the far left lane (speed limit is 70) to make sure they don’t get pulled over (but not rear ended). Traffic going east at the turn around is five whole lanes of traffic, far too difficult for a romulus cop to determine the speeder! Anyway, this is not the speedtrap! This would include many out of town people, but there are five lanes for the cop to monitor. Instead the speedtrap is on the Vining road bridge. This cop monitors only east bound traffic (simple task). This cop radios a cop sitting in his car with five others behind, to pull this car make, car color, car year over! No license plate information is given to this other cop because the bridge cop can’t read it. The cop giving the ticket has the easiest job, he only has to check license, registration, and issue the citation. After that he makes an illegal u-turn to the other side tearing up the landscape!
94 east Expressway near vining road overpass
cops are parked on the vining rd overpass.police have the radar guns pointed in the east direction.The police cars cannot be seen while traveling in the east bound direction. They are usally setup on the weekends (midday). Travel with caution!
Interstate 275 near Between N. Line and Eurekak Road
romulus cop will be facing East "appearing" to be monitoring NB 275 traffic. cop will actually be monitoring SB 275 traffic. This City of romulus is known through Downriver for their heavy cop enforcement! This vehicle on I-275 is a silver Magnum unmarked. The median he sits in is a sharp curve, so he can sit slightly at an angle to monitor SB traffic w/out SB thinking he is. Once the cop guesses the car speeding he peels out of the median. When the cop actually not pulling actualy working citizens over, just sitting there, the cop is sitting in the landscape. You can tell where he sits, because there is no longer grass, just deep tire tracks with mud splattered all over the median and freeway. If there is snow in that spot the cop will between the SB shoulder/fast lane. The cop cannot actually sit completely on the shoulder because of the 12 inch snow next to the cop. When the cop is on the shoulder it is usually in the middle of the night and cop employee of romulus is on the outside of the cop car. The cop car has a hemi so the cop will have his vehicle have you pulled over in seconds so he can quickly write you the ticket and take off and turn around before you even have a chance to take off on the dangerous freeway. The cop does not even have the courtesy to keep his lights on behind you so you can get up to speed from the high speed traffic around… Don’t worry about broken headlights/taillights through romulus, they don’t care about safety! Cop don’t get no overtime for that now!
Eureka Road near 275 Expressway
The Airport entrance is right there and they sit on the North side in a gated entryway before the airport and/or the 275 entrance.