Las Vegas, Nevada Speed Traps
karen between eastern and pecos/karen and eastern
If you come off of Pecos heading west on Karen, it is a 25 mph zone. I have seen motorcycle cops sit together at the curb with a radar gun out. It is just a short stretch of Karen between Pecos and Eastern Ave. It is a residential 25 mph zone. The cops are somewhat hidden by the low haging branches on trees. Also, across Eastern on Karen is a school zone. The wording on the speed limit sign is 15 mph when children are present. I almost always see a police cruiser parked there in the morning.
Eastbound Tropicana between I-15 and LV Blvd
Cops balancing state budget with speed trap here. They will sit at Excalibur exit/entrance. Easy to pick up speed coming off freeway. Be careful and follow posted speed limit of 35mph?? Yes 35mph, wtf!
N. Decatur Blvd. & Elkorn Rd. – The DMV Employee Parking Lot Exit
North Las Vegas motorcycle police officers with radar frequently sit in the DMV employee parking lot exit at the corner of North Decatur Blvd. and Elkhorn Rd. waiting for speeders who are headed north on N. Decatur Blvd. The speed limit is 35 but drivers really “blaze” through this section of North Decatur Blvd. as they approach Elkhorn Rd. I have seen the cops there in the midmorning and in the evening as well.
haulapai between tropicana and flamingo
motorcycle cops there a few times a week. they hid in shopping center
Pecos between Warm Springs and Sunset
Motorcycle Officers park in driveways of the affluent homes on this stretch and ticket those going beyond 40 mph in this 35 mph stretch of Pecos. South of Warm Springs and North of Sunset speed limit is 45 mph, so slow down in this section to 35. Timing is unpredictable, but they do hide well, and it’s too late when you see them!