Reno, Nevada Speed Traps
Plumas Lane near Mountain View Drive
2 Motorcycle cops will usually be sitting on both sides of the street next to the Washoe Golf Course tennis courts and wait for speeders coming down the hill from Plumb and going north towards Moana
Moana Lane near Peckham Lane
A motorcycle cop sits on the west side of the new Moana between Neil & Model Dairy & Peckham. It is posted 40 but that just seems to be slow for the new road and it don’t change until Longley Lane.
Ridgeview Drive near Evans Creek Drive
Motorcycle officer around Carriage House and Evans Creek in morning and afternoon rush hours. Speed limit is perhaps too low for an area with no housing facing it.
Interstate 395 near Between right lane and on ramp.
At the concrete V formed between the right lane of S-bound I-395 and the on-ramp from Damonte Ranch Pkwy, a NHP likes to hang out in the morning. It’s difficult to see the vehicle sometimes, especially if you’re speeding :). Never seen any action but frequently see the vehicle.
US Highway 395 near Exit Number Damonte Ranch South
A motorcycle officer hangs out almost daily right at the top of the on-ramp from Damonte Ranch going South. He is partially obscured by the concrete barriers, so you cannot see him until you have almost passed him.