Queens, New York Speed Traps

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164th Street near North of the Long Island Expressway

Queens, New YorkSep 11, 20070 Comments

Long winding downhill stretch between woods and a golf course, two lanes each direction, no intersections, and cops wait at bottom of hill. Pick your foot up off the brake from a dead stop at the top of the hill and before you reach the bottom, you will be exceeding the 30mph speed limit without ever putting your foot on the gas.

Clear View Expressway near Throggsneck Bridge To Grand Central Expressway

Queens, New YorkAug 25, 20070 Comments

This is one of the heaviliest patrolled sections in the city. I guess because its one of the cities longest straight aways, and its real easy to get cuaght speeding because everything seems so slow. You have to watch your self as soon as you come off the bridge from the bronx side(East Bound) And you must becareful as you get to the tops of the little hill’s because the patrol cars are sitting at the bottom as you come to the down side. To aviod this I just put my car on 60Mph cruise control (AFTER 2 SPEEDING TICKETS) and they usualy dont bother you. But I have had cars past me on this stretch a few times doing well over 120 to 140 Mph. The only reason I know this is because I was doing 100+ Mph myself and was passed. But like I said cruise control at 60 and your good.

Union Turnpike near Francis Lewis Boulevard

Queens, New YorkAug 15, 20070 Comments

Cop cars with radar guns

Whitestone Expressway near Whitestone Bridge

Queens, New YorkJul 27, 20070 Comments

MTA Police enforce speed limits by the whitestone bridge and usually pull people going 20+ over Queens bound. they are positioned at the end of the bridge in the median right before the split to the cross island on the left side.

Belt Parkway near Erskine Street

Queens, New YorkJul 10, 20070 Comments

Officer is located under Erskine St. Exit Underpass heading E/B, as well as W/B. Any time of the day… also note, After passing the underpass there is an incline in the road about 200ft from the underpass…officer is located on the other side of the Hill BEFORE the Crossbay Blvd Exit. Unmarked Dodge Charger on the right-hand side, spotted at 5:20 AM weekeday.

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