Asheville, North Carolina Speed Traps

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Interstate 40 near Exit Number 55-64

Asheville, North CarolinaFeb 07, 20070 Comments

NC State Troopers periodically saturate the stretch of I-40 between the East Asheville exit and Black Mountain. Marked and unmarked cars frequent the onramps and the three median cut-throughs on this stretch. If you see one in an agressive posture, expect to see more. I’ve seen as many as six either stopping someone or ready to in one pass through this nine-mile stretch. The speed limit for westbound 40 drops from 65 to 60 about a mile to the east of the East Asheville exit. I’ve seen State Troopers sitting the wrong way on the off ramp at exit 55 to see people coming toward them that didn’t adjust for the slowdown. West of exit 55 the Asheville police sometimes work I-40 heavily as well.

Deaverview Road near Patton Avenue

Asheville, North CarolinaAug 18, 20060 Comments

Deaverview Road was identified by the city of Asheville as one of the epicenters of the drug trade in the city and for several years now has been a popular police fishing spot. When I lived off Deaverview, it was not uncommon at all to see between 10 to 12 cop cars lined up in various parking lots along a 1 mile stretch just waiting to pull somebody for anything.

Blue Ridge Parkway near Mile Marker MP 382 to MP 392

Asheville, North CarolinaJul 01, 20060 Comments

The area between Hwy 70 and Hwy 191 ( through Hwy 74 and 25 ). The Park Rangers love to run hidden radar. They actually have one Ranger hide in the woods clock a hi speed on a car and another Ranger down the road to give chase and stop the speeding car. Using this sneeky approach makes detectors useless, so keep to the speed limit in that area.

Merrimon Avenue near Just out of woodfin into asheville

Asheville, North CarolinaMay 23, 20052 Comments

Several days of the week there are law enforcement cars at every street going south to merrimon ave starting at reece alignment to the new asheville library.

240 Expressway near Between ext 7 and 8

Asheville, North CarolinaMar 27, 20050 Comments

Officer sits in median between trees anywhere between exit 7 and 8. This is just after the speed limit drops and there are a lot of signs and a confusing interchange just before that on the westbound side. Mostly enforced in afternoons but there is always a chance they will be there.
This is definitely targeted at out-of-towners.

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