Cary, North Carolina Speed Traps
South East Maynard Road
As you proceed East on Maynard Road from the intersection of Maynard Road and Kildaire Farm Road, you will eventually pass Hampton Valley Road on your right. At this point you are cresting a hill. Town of Cary police have been sitting in the parking lot of the apartment building at the base of this hill, shooting radar at drivers coming down the hill.
Norwell Blvd. (Across from Park)
Sits backed up on the road right across from the park. I can’t remember the name, but I believe it is the only road branching off of Norwell.
Weston Pkwy near Norwell Blvd.
Right at bottom of steepest downhill section of Weston Pkwy in a sweeping right hand turn. One of Cary PD new fancy Harley unit usually parked out of view in the median, operating gun. Cruiser hidden from view on right hand-side in a yet un-developped connecting road "stub" working the "pulling over" and writing ticket duties – assumably to save time and increase productivity. Preferred setup time is friday eve. when hard working folks are trying to make it home on time for dinner with their famillies in the Preston/Morrisiville pkwy area…
A shamefull and baseless operation that gives good police work everywhere a bad name as there are NO RESIDENCES to support any kind of traffic "calming down" request theory on that particular stretch of road.
Sudbury Drive between West Dynasty and Maynard
A motorcycle cop sits on the side of the road, waiting for speeders. The limit here is 25, though it should at least be 35, given the small amount of traffic that passes through this road. They seem to ramp up activity at times when high school students are out driving(Summer Vaction, Christmas Break,etc). There is usually one speed trap set per week, with 3-4 set during peek travel periods. The cops pick a spot directly in the middle of Sudbury, right after a fairly blind S-curve.
Cary Pkwy, Maynard Rd, communities
Don’t be fooled by thinking all of the patrol cars are in store parking lots; there are just as many out there on the streets. I’ve got to hand it to the police dept however – they’ve become extremely resourceful, from sitting on lawn chairs w/ radar guns (found on Cary Parkway) to hiding in communities on motorcycles. And furthermore, when the speed drops from 45 to 35 on Marynard Rd… be prepared with a good excuse when confronted with the officer’s perpetual smile. Oh, and I almost forgot, radar detectors are useless; they’ll guestimate you speed everytime, and that’s all it takes in Wake County!