Charlotte, North Carolina Speed Traps

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Rea Road just south of the Colony-Rea intersection

Charlotte, North CarolinaMar 18, 20100 Comments

There are two large hills where a driver is likely to pick up speed if not paying attention. The limit is 35 MPH. Police cruisers frequent this area after dark running in both directions.

Between Belmont Abbey and McAdenville Exit

Charlotte, North CarolinaJan 17, 20100 Comments

At night, traveling south or north bound I-85, a trooper will sit at the end of the concrete divider between the north and south bound lanes where it ends coming from McAdenville heading towards Charlotte. Coming from Charlotte you will pass Belmont Abbey and the north and south bound sides will split with a median between instead of a concrete divider. It will then run back together and the state trooper sets at the end of the next divider going from Charlotte to Gastonia, NC. He usually is there at night (No Headlights, No Parking Lights, No Interior Lights). A very nasty surprise to anyone speeding on the north bound lanes.

Watch Out On I-85 — I’ve noticed they are sitting in the dark more and more waiting in their new solid black unmarked Chargers hiding in the shadows.

I-85 South Bound Past Scale House at River

Charlotte, North CarolinaJan 17, 20100 Comments

Coming past the scale house at approximately 1:00 in the morning 1-3 state troopers can sometimes be seen hiding behind the building point at the exit shooting radar at the speeders blowing by the scale house. You have been warned!

Caldwell Rd & I- 485

Charlotte, North CarolinaSep 18, 20090 Comments

Troopers Usually Sit Facing the Outerloop and are invisible until you get just beneath the bridge For SUVs and invisible until you pass the bridge for Sedan/Coupe style cars, Usually a Crown Vic and Dodge Charger Tag team, One Sits as One pulls. I have seen them Pull from the Inner Loop too though. Typically around 7am-3pm It just depends on the Day.

Archdale Dr & Leafcrest Ln

Charlotte, North CarolinaNov 26, 20080 Comments

CMPD frequently sits in the parking lot of a church on Archdale, near the bridge over the creek

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