Charlotte, North Carolina Speed Traps

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Interstate I-77 near Sunset Road

Charlotte, North CarolinaAug 29, 20080 Comments

Highway Patrol sits under the Sunset Rd overpass, one trooper stands facing traffic with the gun(usually on the southbound side of I-77) and has a motorcycle trooper who pulls over cars by his signal.

Providence Road near Wendover Road

Charlotte, North CarolinaMay 20, 20080 Comments

An unmarked officer sits at Dore Academy right where the speed limit changes from 45 MPH to 35 MPH down the hill. I have been pulled here while keeping up with traffic. There is also a bar nearby so watch going by if you have been drinking at all.

Interstate I-77S near Tyvolla Crossing

Charlotte, North CarolinaMay 11, 20080 Comments

Police are at the top of the on ramp to I-77 Southbound. They use moultiple vehicles and stop the speeder before the SC border.

Interstate I-85 South near Exit Number 29 – Sam Wilson Rd

Charlotte, North CarolinaMay 05, 20080 Comments

SP likes to sit at top of the on-ramp onto I-85 South. This is during the morning and afternoon times.

Mallard Creek Church Road near Interstate 85

Charlotte, North CarolinaApr 09, 20080 Comments

45mph zone, going East from I-85 towards UNCC as you come over the crest of a hill there is usually an unmarked black Chevy Impala running radar from the right shoulder of the road. Regular tags but you can see the radar antenna and clear (cause they’re off, blue when they’re on) LEDs on the back deck of the car. I’ve also seen a marked cruiser just east of the first car in a tandem operation, and sometimes a marked cruiser on the westbound side of Mallard Creek Church Road as well.

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