Raleigh, North Carolina Speed Traps
Ray Road near Norwood to Lynn Road
There are troopers there often. Seems like thursdau is a favorite day.
south saunders Avenue near davie Street
The raleigh police will park under the bridge just below the rise.
Duraleigh Road near Delta Lake Drive Drive
Raleigh PD sit at the bottom of the hill at the bridge adjacent to the gravel pit – they clock both directions – speed limit is 45 – very easy to go over 55 down this hill
Atlantic Avenue near Hodges Street
Coming down the hill from the Capital Blvd overpass bridge toward Hodges motorcycle police tag about 20-30 cars in a good morning or afternoon at random times. This is a 35 mph zone that would easily pass for 45-50 mph zone on this four lane road.
Interstate I-440/I-64 near Poole Road
Southbound on I-440/I-64 toward I-40,past Poole R. RPD sits in the median (in a ditch, hidden from view) facing traffic almost every morning.