Wilmington, North Carolina Speed Traps

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River Road between Shipyard Blvd and Sanders Rd

Wilmington, North CarolinaJan 30, 20110 Comments

This strip of road was until recently in the County, thus 55 mph. Now a portion has been annexed into the City and has changed to 35 mph. In a 1 mile strip speed limit goes from 55mph to 45 mph to 35mph. Officers hide behind trees, waiting for those who assume it is still 55 mph.

Shipyard Boulevard & 17th Street Intersection

Wilmington, North CarolinaJan 09, 20110 Comments

This is just a warning to all drivers that two red light cameras are located at this intersection. Do not attempt to run the light or you will run out of cash paying a fine to city law enforcement. I find it kind of different that you can do 50 miles per hour on Shipyard Boulevard. Most busy streets in Wilmington are 45 m.p.h at the most.

S. College Rd between Carolina Beach RD and 17th St. ext.

Wilmington, North CarolinaSep 27, 20100 Comments

Sunday mornings NHC sheriffs and NC State H.P. share duties with moving radar getting cars headed N & S on S. College Rd.

Route 132(S College Rd(between 17th St and Monkey Junction

Wilmington, North CarolinaSep 27, 20100 Comments

Particularly at night, Sheriff cars are dark brown or black practically invisible at night. Car parked in grassy median strip Speed Limit is 45mph recently reduced from 55.

In New Hanover County, traffic enforcement is big business, cash cow for lawyers, courts etc.

just about anywhere in wilmington nc

Wilmington, North CarolinaSep 27, 20100 Comments

scooter riders beware there is a wpd officer that actually patrols on a scooter looking for riders on scooter that travel faster than 30mph which is the speed they must travel by law to not need a license so dont get to drag racing this guy because even if you pull away an smoke him you wont smoke the patrol car/bike that he radio’s about you

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