Wilmington, North Carolina Speed Traps

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Greenville Loop Rd

Wilmington, North CarolinaMay 07, 20110 Comments

Greenville Loop Rd is a huge speed trap. Althought there is a posted speed limit of 45, just before the big curve the speed is reduced to 35 mph. There is usually a patrol car or motorcycle policing that stretch of rd.

Waltmore Rd. off of S. College

Wilmington, North CarolinaApr 10, 20110 Comments

Due to a lot of neighbor complaints about speed and some idiot kids that do (who probably have not been cited), this has become a HUGE speed trap. Posted speed is 25 – and even slows to 20 near the CVS!!!! – they sit on side streets – like I said, the rotten apples that caused the complaints still manage to “elude” Wilmington’s finest … I still see them speeding through with no consequence!!! They must know the usual times — I do not.

Oleander & S. College Rd

Wilmington, North CarolinaMar 30, 20110 Comments

Be careful when traveling west on Oleander, the speed limit on Oleander drops from 45 mph to 35 mph when crossing S. College Rd. It used to be 45 mph all the way west to S. 41st St, but no more. I got a ticket last year going 50 mph. and the WPD undercover mustang officer showed “No mercy” to my explanation re: speed limit change. Bye, Bye, $165.00 !

Randall Parkway in the curve

Wilmington, North CarolinaMar 21, 20110 Comments

I drive down Randall to school and I’d say at least 1 day a week, sometimes more, there is usually two unmarked Camaro’s in the curve, or they are sometimes sitting in the gravel parking lot by the lake. They are on each side of the road parked off on the grass running radar each way. I have seen numerous people pulled here.

US 421

Wilmington, North CarolinaMar 21, 20110 Comments

From US 421 at the exit to the new I-140 bypass to US 17 and the cape fear bridge, state troopers frequent this area, ecspecially where you just break the hill that goes over the RR tracks. There has been a lot of them there as of late (2-4 at a time), and been pulling over everyone from speeders to big trucks. Once you break the hill, its too late: They have you. I see no less than 2 every day at any given time.

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