Hamilton, Ontario Speed Traps

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mount albion Road near greenhill Road

Hamilton, OntarioSep 28, 20070 Comments

They sit in the side roads and just past the golf course on a hidden driveway with radar guns.

Howe Street and Upper Wellington Street

Hamilton, OntarioSep 17, 20070 Comments

They sit on Howe Street facing Upper Wellington with radar. Sometimes two of them are there. One with radar and one to direct speeders to Howe to receive a ticket.

Upper Gage Road near Fennell Road

Hamilton, OntarioAug 12, 20071 Comments

Slightly south of Blockbuster parking lot hitting cars traveling Northbound. Lived in that area for years – people get hit by officers standing there all the time.

Burlington Street near Victoria Avenue

Hamilton, OntarioMay 30, 20070 Comments

Burlington Street just east of Victoria Ave. A litle side street just past the impound yard. They hide the cars behind the solid fence and radar while standing behind a pole. For eastbound traffic only.

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