Hamilton, Ontario Speed Traps

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Upper Wellington @ Howe ave. North bound

Hamilton, OntarioAug 23, 20100 Comments

The cop likes to stand at the bus stop behind the telephone pole tagging north bound traffic. There is either a motorcycle unit there or the unmarked charger squad car. they park on howe and stand right behind the telephone pole so you think they are waiting for the bus

Garth & Fennell heading north on Garth

Hamilton, OntarioJul 14, 20100 Comments

They sit parked on the grass at the corner of Hillfield-Strathallan College and nab you as you come down Garth. There’s always a couple of them there…one to pull you over, and one to write the tickets. Very popular spot!

On Upper Ottawa south of the Linc

Hamilton, OntarioJun 27, 20100 Comments

About half way between the Linc and Stone Church north or south bound police car is hidden cop standing with radar. 3or4 times a week.

North of Stonechurch on Upper Gage!

Hamilton, OntarioJun 23, 20101 Comments

They have cars parked on side street just before Tim Hortons when heading South. They are out of the car with radars pointed North standing beside the power line pole. Usually there 2-3 times a week.

Upper Ottawa between Limeridge&Stonechurch, both east&west

Hamilton, OntarioJun 05, 20100 Comments

Now they have moved further up Upper Ottawa towards Rymal Rd. They are on Upper Ottawa at least 4 days of the week. Yes, they do have a quota – 10/month. No, there is not a cash incentive or bonus. It just gets the bosses off their backs. Hamilton needs money for our high welfare payouts.

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