Hamilton, Ontario Speed Traps

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Entry to 403 at Main St. West

Hamilton, OntarioMay 29, 20100 Comments

ln the west end of Hamilton, about a half mile from McMaster, the entry to the 403 off Main St. West is regularly monitored for seat belt compliance. Two cars locate on the ramp where the cops can view the drivers as they pass when they are still driving slowly. Very regular occurrence, late morning, late in the month.

Upper Paradise

Hamilton, OntarioMay 14, 20100 Comments

They sit by the High school in a 40km zone between Stone Church and Rymal rd. Watch the yellow flashing lights for the 40 km zone.

Woodward Ave Just South or Burlington St

Hamilton, OntarioMay 03, 20100 Comments

They sit on Woodward at various times of the day. They pick off traffic exiting from Burlington St east bound and coming off the Beach Strip/Eastport Dr. This is also a known evening ride check area!!!

Cochrane Rd between Lawrence and Greenhill

Hamilton, OntarioMay 02, 20100 Comments

week days between 2 and 3 PM in ghost cars 7 days a week.
Cochrane has been dubbed the mini 401.
The speed limt was reduced to 40K just 2 years ago. Nothing changed. Radar makes the difference


Hamilton, OntarioApr 17, 20103 Comments

Do people think police officers set up in the same spots 24/7? Radar is mobile today people, and come in various types. Laser (individual reading); mobile the cruiser doesn’t need to be stopped he can get you travelling toward you; handheld, window mounted etc. etc.

The average officers will only use a spot for 15 – 20 minutes and move on to another spot of his choosing. They are not told where to take Radar (unless there is a complaint zone) they just have it with them and use it when they have a little spare time to run it. The average officer may actually use Radar for under an hour per day. Even that amount of time is rare as he is most often too busy to run radar.

A Retired Cop.

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