Mississauga, Ontario Speed Traps

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Cawthra Road near Dundas Street

Mississauga, OntarioMar 14, 20080 Comments

Small sidestreet just south of Dundas street overpass, can’t see the radar gun until you are on top of them. They are there at least 3-4 times per week for years catching the southbound drivers as they go under the overpass you can’t see the top of the hill and that is where they are. They even had the cardboard cop for awhile in the better weather.

Cawthra Road near Dundas Street

Mississauga, OntarioFeb 29, 20080 Comments

Catch cars travelling southbound Cawthra just south of the bridge which has a steep hill that is easy to speed down. Posted limit 50 km/hr

Cawthra Road near Dundas Street

Mississauga, OntarioFeb 27, 20080 Comments

Going south on Cawthra, as you pass under the dundas bridge, there is a side road where multiple amount of police sit, while one guy flags you down. Slow down before the bridge.

Cawthra Road near Dundas Road

Mississauga, OntarioJan 30, 20080 Comments

Cawthra road, just south of dundas, on the rt side just under the railway bridge.

Cawthra Road near Needham Lane

Mississauga, OntarioJan 14, 20080 Comments

Cawthra Road, traveling southbound, the road slopes down under a bridge for Dundas Street East.

On the down slope, there’s a 50/KM sign and if you don’t brake going downhill, you’ll easily be going 70/KM at the bottom. By then the po-po can nab you with their money-guns on the perch at the top of the hill (at Needham Lane).

Usually they’re not there during the morning rush, but they do use the spot regularly.

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