Mississauga, Ontario Speed Traps
Cawthra Road near Dundas Street
Travelling south on Cawthra Road there is an underpass beneath Dundas St. There is often a radar gun pointed at you as you come up from the underpass.
Cawthra Road near Eastgate Parkway
Northbound Cawthra Rd. just south of Eastgate. They either have a small unmarked van sometimes with a ladder on the roofrack or unmarked crusiers. As you head north from Burnahamthorpe Rd. approching the Northbound 410.
Confederation Parkway near Dundas Street
Officers position themselves on Confederation parkway just North of Hillcrest Ave. If you are travelling South on Confederation, they are positioned just passed the train track bridge on the westbound side. Speed limit is 50km/h and once you turn the bend they’ve got you. Proceed from Confederation & Central Parkway all the way to Confederation and Dundas St at speed limit.
Derry Road near Maritz Drive
South West corner of Derry Road & Maritz Drive officers tend to hide behind trees or in Plaza on Corner USE CAUTION
IN THIS AREA officers have been seen Walking into High speed traffic to get pull you over putting other motorists at RISK of Accident.
Winston Churchill Boulevard Boulevard near North of Derry Road
Going North on Winston Churchill A tripod is set up On the East side. Just North of Derry. Near Crosscurrent. There are two or three cars waiting for speeders.