Mississauga, Ontario Speed Traps

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Mississauga Rd. south of the 403 over pass

Mississauga, OntarioSep 23, 20030 Comments

Cruiser with radar parks on the west side of Mississauga Rd. on the 1st street south of the 403. You don’t have a view of them as you come over the crest of the over pass, you can see them on the descend but by that time its too late.

Mclaughlin Rd.,between Bristol Rd. and Matheson

Mississauga, OntarioSep 16, 20030 Comments

coming from Bristol towards Matheson, there is a little hidden street on the right(Faith Dr.) where they just sit and watch. Its a black cop car though so its hard to tell. There are also some waiting at the companies ahead.

Rivergrove Ave, South of Britannia

Mississauga, OntarioSep 12, 20030 Comments

Cops like to park their cars in the Community Centre driveway and stop all cars going over 40km/h. This is a school zone and cars fly through here. They also like to park in the catholic school parking lot and stop all drivers who do not stop at the stop sign.

Winston Churchill between Burnhamthorpe and Collegeway

Mississauga, OntarioSep 11, 20030 Comments

Cops hide in a side street off Winston Churchill on Split Maple with lasers pointing in both directions with 2-3 crusiers waitng to chase. Hard to see trap for cops stand with lasers in both directions and crusiers hide behind the corner.

Burnhamthorpe between Winston Churchill and Glen Erin

Mississauga, OntarioSep 11, 20030 Comments

Cops post at the beckers with there radars pointing in both directions. Easy to be caught for Burnhamthorpe is a hill both ways at that section, so you can easily be doing 80km/h in a 60km/h zone.

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