Mississauga, Ontario Speed Traps

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erin mills pky north at mcfarren

Mississauga, OntarioSep 23, 20100 Comments

it is a 70km divided roadway. after about 1km stretch the police will hide on McFatrren blvd. using a radar gun they will pull you down the side street. sometimes there will be multiple officers writing tickets as one hauls’em in

403 east after erin mills parkway

Mississauga, OntarioSep 23, 20100 Comments

Eastbound traffic on the 403 will see OPP parked just past the Erin Mills Parkway on ramp(near mississauga rd. overpass)
As you decend the hill they are on both sides. During rush hour the same trap will be verifying HOV lane cars have a passenger

403 west after Mavis

Mississauga, OntarioSep 23, 20100 Comments

Westbound traffic on the 403 will see OPP parked past the Mavis exit near mississauga rd. overpass
As you descend the hill towards mississauga rd they are on the inside shoulder.

Centre View Dr

Mississauga, OntarioSep 23, 20100 Comments

This rd parallels the 403 from Mavis into the Square One shopping complex. There is often radar set up on the east bound side. There is an opening half way down that often has either tow trucks or police. either way from afar it is hard to tell the difference I recommend you slow to the speed limit

Derry Rd going west before Airport Rd

Mississauga, OntarioSep 07, 20100 Comments

Just as the 70 is posted…there is a 50 begins-then shortly thereafter its 50 and there is the cops waiting. It is restricted visability if your in inner lane-you’ll fail to see signs….

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