Mississauga, Ontario Speed Traps
Matheson Blvd & Timberlea (going EAST bound)
On the south side of Matheson, right by the ING sign…careful, there’s a bit of a hill heading down (when going east). Speed is 60!!
Winston Churchill north of Derry Rd.
Cop sits at the first light north of Derry hidden by lamp post.Cars are nailed as they jockey for position to exit to 401 past Argentia.
On Lakeshore Rd. East between Dixie Rd and Cawthra Rd.
They are in unmarked cars and vans with ladders on top, parked on the south side. There is a vocation school located on the north side that most people are not aware of. The speed limit is 50. Because of the school your fine is increased.
Mississauga Road at west end of Mississauga Golf Course
Police intermittently set up a radar trap on the wide north shoulder using unmarked vans and construction trucks, some with ladders on the top. Speed limit here is 50 kph.
Lakeshore Rd. at Shawnmarr Rd.
The cop parks in the parking lot of Rhododendron Park-sout side of Lakeshore and nails the cars coming East!
They are there in off-rush hour times and the speed is reduced from 60 Km to 50Km just before you get there!