Ottawa, Ontario Speed Traps
Sherway Drive near Fable Street
Not exactly a speed trap, but rather seatbelt/stop all way enforcement. They i guess target kids driving to school and parents rushing younger ones.
Carling Avenue
This is not a speed trap, but a Disobaying a Stop Sign trap. A Police Officer stands in the Shell Gas Station at Carling and Woodroffe Ave. There is a merge lane from Carling onto Woodroffe going south towards the Hwy 417, usually these are marked as a Yeild. But this merge lane has a Stop Sign. The police stand there and as soon as someone does a rolling stop or no stop at all they get flagged into the Shell Station and given a ticket by another officer. I think it’s $190.00 plus a $35.00 service charge……4 demit points added too.
Cedarview Road
Heading North from Fallow Field as you come over the hill the police get you coming down the hill by the golf course. The view from the South is obscured by over hanging trees. They’re there on sunny days with perfect conditions usually. Snow and heavy rain you’re ok
State Highway 417 near Vars Road
Located on the outside shoulder going West into Ottawa during the evening. This cop hides right behind the Vars bridge on the right side so if you’re driving and pass under the bridge he’ll be right there on your right with his laser gun…by the time you see him it’s too late so be careful people.
174 E Expressway near just after Blair Exit and before Montreal Exit
The police will park on top of the Oc Transpo bridge right after the Blair Rd bridge/overpass with radar guns. They will line up cruisers along the Oc Transpo on-ramp ( heading EAST ) and pull over before Montreal Rd EXIT. I seen it happen a couple of times, all of them during night ( less obvious for guys on top of a public transport road/bridge ) but could happen anytime and they pull over quite a few.