Richmond Hill, Ontario Speed Traps

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On 16th Ave westbound between Bayview Ave and Yonge st

Richmond Hill, OntarioSep 02, 20101 Comments

speed limit there is 50 KM

Bathurst just north of King Road. East side.

Richmond Hill, OntarioApr 19, 20100 Comments

New trap. Never seen them there before.

Two cars with tripod radar gun on the sidewalk. Catching north-bound drivers.

On Bayview Ave. north of Lake Wilcox, south of Bloomington

Richmond Hill, OntarioApr 13, 20100 Comments

Cops will set up on the west side of Bayview on the corner of North Lake, just as you round the park at lake Wilcox going north. They will also set up a block north at Newman Ave & another block north at Snively. All 3 streets run west off Bayview. Generally they trap motorists going south as it changes from 70 to 60 south of Bloomington. Old Bayview runs parallel to Bayview & has sections that are fenced off & hidden from the street, allowing cops to set up there without beeing seen until it’s too late.

Gamble Rd.

Richmond Hill, OntarioApr 06, 20101 Comments

Cruiser frequently seen catching cars travelling westbound typically sitting on Harvest Ct. or Selwyn Rd.

Bloomington Rd (between Yonge & Leslie)

Richmond Hill, OntarioMar 15, 20100 Comments

Travelling east or west on Bloomington Rd, there’s often a trap on the top of the hill by the Fontainbleu subdivision. Tripod can be set up and the cops will pull you in. Posted limit is 60km/hr and it’s easy to go over 90km/hr there. Careful. Lots of pressure from other drivers to go faster.

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