Richmond Hill, Ontario Speed Traps

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Eastbound Carrville Road East of Bathurst St.

Richmond Hill, OntarioFeb 15, 20101 Comments

Car parked at top of hill on side ride. Speed drops from 60 to 40 zone downhill.

Leslie Street near Major Mac Avenue

Richmond Hill, OntarioJul 20, 20080 Comments

South bound on Leslie, north of Major Mac, west side in silver stream farm driveway

Yonge Street near Steeles Avenue

Richmond Hill, OntarioJul 08, 20080 Comments

South of Steeles Ave on Yonge there is a Mazda dealership. There is laser radar there almost daily right in front of the dealership entrance. Either 1 cop with a car or 2 cops on motorcylces. North bound traffic.

Elgin Rd West Road near Yonge Street

Richmond Hill, OntarioMay 27, 20080 Comments

300-400 metres West of Yonge
Parks car in Church parking lot. (north side)
Not visible till you are right next to them.

King Road near Yonge Street

Richmond Hill, OntarioMay 02, 20080 Comments

west bound from young st on king rd second left by anthonys small engines usually seen mid to late afternoon AS PEOPLE ARE GETTING OFF WORK.

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