Richmond Hill, Ontario Speed Traps

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Bayview Avenue near Sniveley Street

Richmond Hill, OntarioJun 08, 20070 Comments

Southbound, right after Bloomington road…speed limit goes from 80 to 50 very quickly….Northbound past Stouffville speed limit goes from 70 to 50–they catch you both ways by sitting at Snively St. Be careful!

16th Avenue near Young Street

Richmond Hill, OntarioJun 07, 20071 Comments

2 School Zones, one east and one west of Young St. Frequent enforcement on both sides of 16th Ave. Be careful from Bathurst St. all the way to Bayview Ave. Radar is here a lot anytime of day and evenings too not just during school hours.

Leslie Road near Beween 16th and Major Mac

Richmond Hill, OntarioJun 01, 20070 Comments

As you are going northbound (and maybe southbound as well), the police officer will be parked in a driveway, waiting for you to come down the hill by the church. This is just a bit north of the business park.

Speed limit is 70. Please do the speed limit and don’t let the government steal your money with this shady and unproven tactic. (They already have taxes…)

Carrville / 16th Ave. / Rutherford Rd. and Bathurst and Rutherford Streets

Richmond Hill, OntarioMay 30, 20070 Comments

Cops will hide in an entranceway on the North side of Carrville closer to Bathurst, just after a dip in the road

16th Avenue near Avenue Road

Richmond Hill, OntarioMay 28, 20070 Comments

Police sit 200 m west of Avenue Rd and 16th Ave hidden in the driveway of an old building because this is a school zone (40kph) where drivers feel like doing 60 kph due to the width of 16th Ave. 16th Ave is a wide street with traffic islands. Usually cops stop the west bound traffic more than the eastbound probably because a school is on the westbound side. Be careful.. slow for cops and kids in this area. Take note of the 40 kph signs and drive accordingly.

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