Richmond Hill, Ontario Speed Traps

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East Beaver Creek Road near East Wilmot Street

Richmond Hill, OntarioJan 17, 20060 Comments

This is the main street through the business park with a posted limit of only 50 kmph. Police like to sit in the Suzuki Canada parking lot hidden by a tree (catch northbound)& a bus shelter (catch southbound).

16th Avenue

Richmond Hill, OntarioJan 16, 20060 Comments

Police will sit on the South West corner of 16th & Woodbine ave in Richmond Hill & trap the traffic heading East bound on 16th Ave.By the time you see them it’s to late so try & follow the speed limit of 50km/hr.

School Zone Crossing near 16th ave Public School

Richmond Hill, OntarioMay 12, 20050 Comments

School zone, right at the school zone on either sides of the road have traps

Bathurst Street near Elgin Mills Road

Richmond Hill, OntarioOct 03, 20040 Comments

Driving SouthBound on Bathurst St approaching Elgin Mills Rd, there is a dip in the road…The spped limit is set at 60km and the Radar Trap is set up at the bottom of the hill. You cannot see the Trap until it is to late. I have seen a lot of drivers get caught in this trap. Traps are usually set up during morning or evening rush hour.

Gamble Road near Rollinghill Road

Richmond Hill, OntarioAug 03, 20040 Comments

On Gamble Rd, towards traffic travelling east bound, police usually hiding in the drive way of a private house, behind trees. The speed limit is 60km/h. Usually in weekend.

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