Richmond Hill, Ontario Speed Traps

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16th Ave, Between Leslie and 404

Richmond Hill, OntarioNov 16, 20030 Comments

unmarked police car set up either @ the 1st light east of Leslie, or at the entrance of the commercial buliding right east of leslie. If they hide at the commercial building beware, because the entrance is blocked on both sides with signs of that building. Also watch out for the many lights on Leslie from HWY 7 to 16th, many places for the cops to hide, while the speed limit is 70, usually that road is empty and very easy to speed

Hwy 7, between Bayview and Bathurst

Richmond Hill, OntarioOct 12, 20030 Comments

I got it from my friend, when you drive on Hwy 7 Westbound, just pass Bayview. You will see a big sign to say there has a air patrol by York Region Police. Before, I think it is a fake sign to force people to show down. After, my friend told me that there really has a helicopter overhead. If you are speeding, there will have a police car to stop you. Watch Out! The sign is not a joke.

Bayview Ave, North of Crosby Ave. and south of Elgin Mills Rd.

Richmond Hill, OntarioOct 04, 20031 Comments

They set up around the Elementry school there. Either by the Coffe Time or the street just south of the Bayview plaza. They are targeting speeders in this School Zone. It goes from 60km/h to 40km/h for the length of the school and plaza and then resumes to 60km/h after. Both South and North is targeted. Mostly during the hours that parents come to pick up and drop off their kids. 8-10am and 2-4pm. if you are heading North, slow as you pass Crosby Ave, and wait untill you pass Elgin Mills before you Boot it. And south, same but vise versa.

Elgin Mills Road East (between Leslie and Bayview)

Richmond Hill, OntarioSep 16, 20030 Comments

There is a cop parked on the side of the road either near the fire station or just besides it off the road. When there is no contruction, its really easy to get up to 80 or 90 KM/H and I believe the speed limit is 70.

Bayview b/n Stouffville Rd and 19th Ave

Richmond Hill, OntarioSep 14, 20030 Comments

Police are set up on the west side of Bayview Ave in a small road just before the bridge

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