Richmond Hill, Ontario Speed Traps

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Major Mackenzie between Bayview and Yonge

Richmond Hill, OntarioAug 04, 20030 Comments

Not sure what cops use…..but they catch people…….
This is the part between Bayview and Yonge….heading westbound…..there’s a school there and cops usually set up at the school exit or the parking lot beside…….it is a school zone so it’s 50 and when it’s school time it’s 40!

Leslie St. North of Major Mac. , South of Elgin Mills.

Richmond Hill, OntarioJul 30, 20030 Comments

Speed trap at bus stop on east side of Leslie. Roads are very wide. Motorists usually travel over 80km easily. I believe it is a 70km/hr speed limit.

16th ave & younge

Richmond Hill, OntarioJul 18, 20030 Comments

Slow down on 16th ave (bayview to younge) cops are hidden in that place any time of the days. dont get over 10km/hr for speed limit. Brake hard(speeding) when you see/ sense cops ahead.

Hwy #7 between Bayview and Chalmers Gate

Richmond Hill, OntarioJul 18, 20030 Comments

Going eastbound on Hwy #7, once you pass Bayview, you’ll pass under a bridge. Immediately after the bridge, spped limit changes from 80kmh to 70kmh. Police set up laser at the intersection of Chalmers and Hwy #7 and gun you at the change in spped limit. Avoid any speeds over 90. Going westbound, they tend to hide either in a private road just before the bridge (west of Chalmers) or at the 1st intersection west of Bayview.

Highway 7 and Bayview, on Highway 7 East Bound

Richmond Hill, OntarioJul 18, 20030 Comments

Police setup on the south side of Highway 7, behind a bus stop, east of Bayview Ave (across the plaza with a Hong Kong Bank). They target traffic coming eastbound on Hwy 7. They try to catch speeder when they pick up speed along hwy 7 from bayview. Before the big left curve on hwy 7, speeder can reach speed up to 140km. But when you start to enter the left curve, your speed is already locked before you can notice the radar gun.

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