Scarborough, Ontario Speed Traps
Guildwood Parkway, heading east and west
Cops sit on both sides of Galloway road on either side of entrance to bluffs. Be careful! I’ve known five people to get tickets in the past two weeks!
Meadowvale Rd / North of Sheppard
South bound motorists slow down when approaching the bridge.Cops hiding under the bridge behind the electrical or utility box (green color). Same going north, right after the curve. Limit is 60KM.
Sheppard & Pitfield (one traffic light south of Sheppard)
Cops are hidden to trap people who do not stop before stop signs along Pitfield. Another hit spot is located at C.D.Farquarson Public School (northeast corner of Pitfield & Sheppard) where cops catch speeders from running down from the bridge on the southern side. It is a big trap where several cops wait for targets on the school driveway.
Brimley Northbound, North of Sheppard before Huntingwood
the cops sometimes hide out at the first entrance of the plaza which is just south of huntingwood. people tend to speed on the stretch before you hit huntingwood. the cops are not there often but when they are there, they will hang out every night for a couple weeks.
Pharmacy Ave.
Travelling Southbound on Pharmacy Ave., south of Ellesmere, just after the bridge. They are usually parked in the first right street after the bridge, but sometimes they move locations by standing on the East side of the street. Sometimes, they are parked right in the school driveway, Wexford. Sometimes they have a group of bout 3 -4 cops pulling cars off the road, one after the other.