Toronto, Ontario Speed Traps
Laksehore Road near Gardiner Expressway
Eastbound Lakeshore (just east of the Gardnier Expy. off-ramp). On a side-street at the corner. Easy to get caught as most people are speeding as they exit the expressway.
Greenwood Avenue near Danforth Avenue
There’s an railway underpass with a hill downward approaching the underpass in either direction. The posted limit is 40km/hr…virtually impossible to achieve without leadfooting the brake as you go under the pass then accelerating suddenly to go up the hill on the other side. They wait for you just over the crest as you are coming over the hill.
Lakeshore Road near Leslie Street
Westbound Lakeshore – Radar / laser always on the north side on the driveway to the movie studios. Always there. Speed is 60 km/h, most people do 80.
Bayview Street near Lawrence Avenue
Just after Lawrence East going North on Bayview. They keep the cars parked in a park behind a screen of trees and place the radar trap right beside a tree. As you come around a bend they get you. It’s just at the end of a downhill section and for some reason it’s a 50 zone. That’s nuts because there are no stop signs, stop lights or even any turns at that section.
You can’t see them but they are there all the time. Be Careful! It’s a section where speed comes Really Easy!
The Pond Road near York University, off Keele
As soon as you turn into the entrance for York University on Pond Road (from Keele), there are cops waiting to catch you.