Windsor, Ontario Speed Traps

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Oulette Road near Dougall Road

Windsor, OntarioJan 06, 20040 Comments

It’s really Oullette at this point, cops sometimes sit at those wonderful S-Turns on Oullette, right after you pass under the train tracks. The cops are either in the parking beside Sunoco, or the parking near Teppermans or around there. Also you may have seen a cop hiding in the businesses parking right before the overpass going towards downtown. Cops are usually in the what used to be IBM parking lot, the Jewelery place at the corner or the Zehr’s intersection that breaks onto Oullette.

Manning Road near Belle River Bypass

Windsor, OntarioJan 06, 20040 Comments

From the O.P.P. station in Belle River all the way to that 100KM/h zone around Manning is treacharous after dusk. It’s the only main road to the cop shop, and there are OPP on it like crazy.

Oulette Road near Wyandotte Crossing

Windsor, OntarioJan 06, 20040 Comments

Everyone pretty much knows about this but maybe you don’t. Right alongside what used to called Howl at the Moon but now is called the Bad Hare Saloon. There is almost always a cop sitting there during the night, usually he’s just sitting not caring about a single thing. I’ve yet to see him pull someone over but why risk it.

Dougall Avenue (North of Cabana to E.C Row)

Windsor, OntarioOct 01, 20030 Comments

Marked and unmarked police vehicle sitting on side road w/ radar gun (even police motorcycle).

Huron Church Road @ Wyandott (Embassador Bridge)

Windsor, OntarioJun 04, 20030 Comments

The intersection of Huron Church and Wyandott has frequent accidents due to traffic getting on and off the Embassador Bridge. At that intersection is a parking lot where police cruisers frequently wait and watch for careless drivers.

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