Beaverton, Oregon Speed Traps

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Cornell Road near Sunset High School

Beaverton, OregonMay 05, 20080 Comments

Beaverton Photo Radar van will park on the right side of westbound Cornell Road (near Sunset Athletic Club) in the 20MPH school zone of Sunset Hight School. Usually there at least 1 day a week in the mornings. Keep an eye out for the signs.

173rd Avenue near Between Walker and Baseline Road

Beaverton, OregonMar 07, 20080 Comments

Officer parks on the side of the road and has a sign showing your speed and the limit.

Western Avenue near Allen Boulevard

Beaverton, OregonFeb 06, 20080 Comments

The southbound side of Western about 200 yards north of Allen. The officer sits in an unused driveway tucked behind bushes. The speed limit is 35 mph and he seems to trigger the cameras above 44 mph.

Weir Road near 170th Street

Beaverton, OregonNov 08, 20070 Comments

25mph speed limit requires the use of brakes to comply with. up to 3 officers on motorcycles and they laugh at how many citations they can give out. This is the worst in Beaverton and I’ve lived here 50 years.

SW Canyon Road near SW 87th Avenue

Beaverton, OregonOct 16, 20070 Comments

Sometimes marked Beaverton Police cars will sit in the line of cars at dealership on the right hand side of westbound Canyon Road and nab people coming off the hill into the 35 mph zone. Other times it is the photo radar van. Beware the parked cop car in the dealer as it looks just like a parked car until it’s too late.

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