Knoxville, Tennessee Speed Traps
Summit Hill near Town View
Speed limit on Summit Hill quickly goes from 35 to 20 mph because of school zone. Sign that warns of school zone obscured by tree branches and flashing lights sometimes inoperable. Two motorcycle officers located 2 blocks from warning sign nail drivers left and right.
I 140 east bound between westland and Northshore exits.
It’s there , seems to be new.
@ Greenwood Cemetery 3500 block of Tazewell Pike
Police are usually parked in one of the many entraces to the cemetery. The speed limit reduces as you drive south bound right before you get to Greenwood. It’s very very easy to not notice the reduced speed limit signs and it feels like a very ‘unnatural’ speed of travel.
Garden Drive and Pinewood Drive
The officer usually sits behind a small stand of trees on Pinewood and catches people coming off the big hill on Garden.
Buffet Mill Road
The KPD sets up mainly at 2 churches along the road. Also, they set up on the side roads in the North Hills area.