Memphis, Tennessee Speed Traps
Summer Ave. East bound going over Scott St. Bridge
Speed limit is 35 mph and they get you when you are going down hill. They hide on the street at the bottom of the hill.
Union Ave near Lauderdale
An officer is well known to sit at an abandoned parking lot (behing trees) near Union Ave and Lauderdale. This is an area right in front a sightseeing tour location (good advertisement for that "great" city, huh?). Anyway, this is also an area right before you drive into downtown Memphis; she sits there waiting on those driving into downtown to go to Autozone Park, the Peabody, etc. By the way, she is extremely rude and will NOT cut you a break. I have watched her pull over probably 15-20 cars recently as I work nearby. All of the cars seem to be more expensive models. the old clunker cars fly by all the time but she doesn’t move unless she sees a dollar sign! So, the moral: watch out as you approach downtown Memphis via Union Ave b/c "smokey" is watching.
Central Avenue and Leah
Police man in bushes, car around corner. He will waive you over. Posted at 40 mph, but trtaffic regularly exceeds 60mph.
Perkins between Quince and Park
Four lane 35mph residential area. They always stick to the smaller crossroads between Quince and Park to hold out until some poor sap passes 40mph.
Union Ave. 1-2 blocks east of Parkway
Memphis Police park on side road just east of Parkway. They step out, flag the offender down, and have them pull on the side road. Several officers are present to write citations.