Tyler, Texas Speed Traps

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E SE Loop 323 near REL High School/Paluxy Drive

Tyler, TexasJun 18, 20190 Comments

Most of Loop 323 is 45 to 50 MPH but in this one little section, the speed limit drops to 40 MPH. A police officer is often sitting there waiting to give people a ticket and there is NO MERCY.

Driving west on 323, between 69 and Donnybrook

Tyler, TexasFeb 04, 20190 Comments

Standing behind a pole with a laser right before you get to Broadway. Slow down when you’re hitting Donnybrook. I go by here at 9 am several times a week and they are always there ready to catch people not slowing down to 40.

Hwy 69 going north towards Lindale from loop 323

Tyler, TexasJul 16, 20180 Comments

The city of Tyler sets up 5 to 10 motorcycle police to sit in various hideouts. Then you see them racing back and forth to stop motorists for speeding. The speed limit goes from 30 to 45 then to 60 mph. Then when you receive your speeding citation the policeman tells you he didn’t clock you but his partner did back up the hwy. So in my case a brown van was clearly speeding but I was stopped. I have a Class A CDL and Tyler, Tx has a zero tolerance for truck drivers so there is no recourse for reducing the violation from a moving violation. I have two speeding tickets on my record both in the past 3 years and both from this location.

S. Beckham (110) and Troup Hwy

Tyler, TexasJul 20, 20160 Comments

If you are headed South on Beckham just passed 5th Street, be careful. A Motorcycle cop has been waiting in the Mother Frances Eye Clinic parking lot during morning commutes picking off motorists left and right. Most drivers round the curve at the train tracks at 50+ mph and the speed limit is an unnatural 35mph.

Paluxy Drive, Northbound, just south of Loop 323

Tyler, TexasJul 15, 20160 Comments

4 lane divided road headed down 2 or three rolling hills. Speed limit at top of hill is an unnaturally slow 40 mph but your vehicle naturally picks up speed, even with foot off gas pedal, going downhill. So you have to break some. Partway down hill the speed limit drops to 35, so you really have to break, or get caught by the officers who regularly sit on on of the off streets with their radar. And I mean regularly because it’s a cash cow.

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