Alexandria, Virginia Speed Traps
Harrison Lane and Bedrock Rd
Po Po often hide on Bedrock Rd with radar to catch folks speeding down the Harrison Lane hill. Also sit just down from there at entrace to Huntley Meadow Park to catch speeders coming down Lockheed Blvd.
Collingwood Rd near Wm and Mary Dr
Heading east on Collingwood just past a small park on the right. Speed limit drops from 35-25mph. Police sit at entrance to William and Mary Drive usually work day afternoons till end of rush hour
North Quaker Ln. between King Street and the I395 North ramp
Alexandria police officers sit near shrubery on the grounds of Convergence Church between Oakcrest Dr. and Crestwood Dr.
Because the median strip is the boundary between Alexandria and Arlington, the Arlington County police sit among commuter cars in the south bound lanes across from Wachovia bank.
Both traps are most frequently observed betweeen the end and beginning of the month. Interestingly, the speed limit on north-bound Quaker Ln. is 25 m.p.h and the speed limit on the south-bound lanes is 30 m.p.h.
GW Parkway South
City motorcycle unit sets up by Hunting Towers and the Woodrow Wilson Bridge. NPS sets up alternately behind a tree on north of Bellehaven Park or in the median strip.
Eisenhower and John Carlyle
Across from Patent Office, police cars usual stand on the corner during 9am and evening rush hour. Sometimes the officers stand outside.