Henrico, Virginia Speed Traps

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Ridgefield Parkway WB before John Rolfe Pkwy

Henrico, VirginiaJan 11, 20160 Comments

Sits in median near Ridgefield Green Subdivision/Walgreens. Runs radar at cars on west bound direction right after Glory Days/Crunch Gym Shopping center. 2 to 3 times a month – mostly at night as you can’t see him in the dark until it is too late.

Route 288 SB, prior to the James River

Henrico, VirginiaDec 03, 20150 Comments

You’ll top a hill and be right in their radar as you approach the river. Usually State Police. Coordinates are here: 37.580380, -77.677174

Route 288 NB, prior to Route 250

Henrico, VirginiaDec 03, 20150 Comments

As you travel north, there’s a gentle curve to the right as you approach the Broad St (Rt. 250) exit. State Police love to sit in this break in the guardrail. Coordinates are here: 37.650897, -77.664672

Three Chopt Rd between Pemberton and Parham

Henrico, VirginiaSep 23, 20130 Comments

Speed limit drops from 45 to 35 and cops are operating on both side of the street [6A-6P] Tickets issued for 6 mph over. Shooting fish in a barrel.

Avoid area!

I suggest drivers slow to 30 mph on this stretch to send a message.

three cops in front of freeman high school

Henrico, VirginiaMar 11, 20130 Comments

i saw a person (cop) sitting down on the floor on the side walk with a radar gun. cops were waiting couple of blocks(both sides) from the guy. i saw them when the school speed was on so they got everybody that want over 25.

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