Reston, Virginia Speed Traps
Fairfax County Parkway near Baron Cameron Road
Police will hide behind large wall so when passing motorists go by, they are spotted by radar and pulled over for speeding.
Whielie Avenue near Fairfax County Water Authority
Police hide on bottom of small hill and catch speeding motorists that come overtop of the hill. Speed limit is 35mph but most motorists go 50+mph.
Sunrise Valley Drive near Indian Ridge Road
Sunrise Valley heading from Reston Pkwy towards Wiehle. The road curves b/c of the golf course before Indian Ridge (IR) and there are a lot of trees. Generally the cops are there only at the end of the month. I hope they will be gone soon though, we are complaining about them blocking up our street.
South Lakes Drive
East bound lanes of divided highway between Colt’s Neck and Soapstone(about one mile)posted at 35 mph while road east and west of this area are posted at 40 mph. Officers sit in street entry around a curve.
Dulles Toll Road (267) East and West
In the median between Hunter Mill Road Exits and Wiehle Ave. Exit, west of the line of trees. Seem to be there about 80% of the time. Sometimes one or two squad cars. Just slow down to 70mph and you’ll be OK.