Williamsburg, Virginia Speed Traps
Rt. 199 near Olde Towne Rd. in Median
James City County Police with RADAR sitting in median watching west bound traffic.
Anywhere near William & Mary
Williamsburg City and William & Mary Campus Police patrol with RADAR all the time near the college (The speed limit in most of Williamsburg is 25mph)…I’ve seen them using RADAR while it was snowing.
Jamestown Road near Lake Powell
Marked James City County Police car sits in parking araea of the pump station mostly at night.
Seasons Trace Road and Longhill Road
The speed limit is 25 MPH, which is good. Many children and walkers. The officer parks on any of the side streets. When you see the squad car, too late!
The officer also waits in the driveway of Lafayette High to catch speeders on Longhill.
State Route 143 between Wawa Food Market and Route 199
An officer frequently parks in the parking lot by the Queen Anne Dairy Snack across from the 7-11 around 5 p.m., around midnight and sometimes in the mornings. They may be looking for drunk drivers coming out of 7-11 or Wawa Food Market, or speeders on the 45 mph stretch towards Route 199 to Interstate 64.