Williamsburg, Virginia Speed Traps

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Monticello Ave. Across From Ukrop’s Super Markets and Same Side as Shell Station

Williamsburg, VirginiaFeb 13, 20103 Comments

It is a 45–35–45 situation. Early morning especially.

Colonial National Historic Parkway Between Yorktown, VA And Jamestown, VA

Williamsburg, VirginiaFeb 13, 20102 Comments

I am a local who has used this road for over 15 years. In the past year the park rangers have become more aggressive in their ticketing. I attribute this to the downturn in the economy and the need to raise revenue. The posted speed limit is 45, but because it is a limited access, low volume road it is tempting to go much faster. In the past it was safe to drive 55 or so without any trouble. Now the rangers will pounce on you for doing 50. And, they are not polite about it. I’ve seen some new faces in the ranger’s ranks. They are younger, bigger and capricious. So, if you’re going to visit colonial Virginia you might want to avoid this national park road altogether.

Jamestown Rd., Just South of William & Mary Campus

Williamsburg, VirginiaFeb 12, 20101 Comments

The posted speed limit on Jamestown Rd. in the campus area is 25 mph. This is a good idea when one considers how many pedestrians there are here. I’ve got no issue with that. However, as one drives south and leaves the college behind there is a long hill opposite Lake Matoaka where the speed limit changes to 35 mph. It changes at the bottom of the hill, not at the top. As one goes down the hill it is nearly impossible not to speed up without riding one’s brakes the whole way down. This is where they catch you. This stretch of road is perhaps 500 feet long and is flanked by woods and the lake. The police cruiser will be parked out of view and as soon as you exceed about 30 mph he will pull you over and write out the ticket. In my view, the speed limit should change from 25 to 35 at the top of the hill, not the bottom. This seems to be little more than a revenue enhancement.

Richmond Road near dunkin donuts

Williamsburg, VirginiaJun 04, 20081 Comments

It’s usually during Friday evening and the weekend.

State Route 60 near East Coast

Williamsburg, VirginiaDec 30, 20071 Comments

Random even when keeping up with traffic heavy enforcement at month’s end.

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