Tacoma, Washington Speed Traps

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2990 E Bay St – At the turn

Tacoma, WashingtonOct 05, 20200 Comments

This is an 11 year pilot project that collected over 11 million dollars last year. It’s not well posted and a total set up…

2990 e bays st tacoma, wa

Tacoma, WashingtonDec 08, 20150 Comments

photo tickets

2900 e bay st tacoma

Tacoma, WashingtonSep 28, 20130 Comments

It’s a speeding ticket camera. the speed limit after the light is 50 mph and before the light it’s 35 mph. So they installed the camera before the light.
The will get 11 mill a year from this camera alone.

2990 Block E. Bay Street

Tacoma, WashingtonJul 18, 20110 Comments

Hidden camera

South Tacoma Way around 50th

Tacoma, WashingtonJun 06, 20110 Comments

Speed drops from 35 to 25 for 2 miles on a four lane in a commercial neighborhood. Police on motorcycles sit in lurch.

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