Tacoma, Washington Speed Traps
Vicinity o Tribal Cemetery, 2990 block on E Bay Road, Tacoma
What you need to know!
Speed of normal traffic here,is 45 to 50 mph. The people given most of the tickets are mostly going 10 mph over or so. The ones going a little slower are mostly passed
over. This is selective (unequal) enforcement.
Speed limit is 35 though poorly marked speed limit speeds are conflicting in different directions. Cut and dried ? Hardly. It gets better.
The road is not straight and is forked as one is Westbound. The choice then is eastbound or southbound. Southbound is a trap.
Photo enforced signs are present, though not well placed and above eye level which is on the road (down).
Any court ordered traffic school will tell you to go with the flow of traffic rather than obstruct traffic, which amplifies the accident rate as cars seek alternatives to being stuck behind you. Even if you’re going the speed limit. I’ve driven this road several times and know that going the speed limit (35 or slower)is extremely hazardous as rude, tailgaters ride your bumper all the way through the area on almost every trip.
8000 initial tickets were issued in error, citing the wrong statute numbers for the infractions cited (attention to detail disorder). Tacoma treats your guilt as "fait accompli". The judge present as I contested this infraction was seemingly a little unfamiliar with the concept of "alleged" and ‘innocent until proven guilty", standing challenged by one brave soul about the assumption of guilt. Even the ticket wording is prejudicial in inferring your guilt, though it states otherwise on the back and that the burden of proof is on them (the accuser). I was NOT allowed to confront my accuser (certifying officer) whom was not even present. I think there is a good reason for that.
The court would not seriously entertain any motions introduced relative to the alleged infraction at this address. All motions were denied including the request for a dismissal due to the court summons being mailed without sufficient time for the recipient to request in writing, evidence (14 days prior) which I could legitimately use in my defense.. Curiously, the letter with the summons arrived 13 days prior to the court date. C’mon ! Even the appearance of being fair goes a long way.
Washington State law is plain and states that parking infraction prices will be charged for these civil rather than criminal infractions. A federal judge has ruled contrary to what a reasonable person (on a jury, which you don’t have a right to in a civil infraction case) would be likely to think, stating that the fine could be equivalent to parking in a fire lane which has a price in Tacoma of around $200. Tacoma then seems like the "good guy" at only bludgeoning you for $101 by mail or $75 if you show up to fight it. But pay you must.Tacoma Municipal Court generated $200K in the first few days of operation of this "goldmine". In my opinion, it’s all about the Benjamins, my friends.
Some people do it with a rock, some do it with traffic cams. At least with the citation, my recovery time is faster.
I have a respect for the law as I was taught, growing up. The application seems to have changed. If your not honest, you’re not legitimate. Freedom of speech.
Irony : This equipment is produced by Redflex of Australia, Land of the Kangaroo…
As these cameras spread as a blight on the land due to a populace unwilling to lift a finger to work against it, the judges too who enable the era of easy money for budget challenged cities…will also get bagged, though Professional Courtesy will no doubt be extended and the ticket squelched by the certifying officer (as he or she pulls the associated drivers license detail) whom has to work even harder to meet the quota for a particular trap as spelled out in the contract between the cities and the trap manufacturer.
A NIST certificate provides a traceable link to national standards of accurate speed calibration of a particular piece of speed trap equipment.
Request Certificate of Calibration.
Check expiration dates of all documents.
Ask for the Certifying Officers credentials to operate the EXACT piece of equipment which was used against you.
One last thing….I’m still innocent, even though Tacoma has my money.
On Ramp off Portland Ave & 512 (East & West)
They sit in the middle of the On Ramp
On Ramp off Pacific & 512 (by Denny’s)
They sit in the middle of the On Ramp (which there are trees on opposite side of ramp.
So. 84th between Park ave. and Hosmer
It is a hill but not steep,road was widened from 2 to 4 lanes 2 each way.WAS 35 BEFOR WIDENED NOW 30. GO WEST OVER THE FREEWAY AND IT GOES UP TO 35 POLCE PARK ON SIDE STREET ON THE HILL AND NAIL YOU.
72nd Street East
As 72nd Street East crosses over Canyon Road and goes east toward Puyallup, you gather speed quickly as you go down the hill toward the light. It’s easy to go from the legal 35 mph to 50 in just a few seconds. The Pierce County Sheriff is watching. The same condition exists as you go west on 72nd toward Tacoma. Fine: $154 It goes on your record & is reported to insurance co.