Tacoma, Washington Speed Traps

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25th and Yakima Ave.

Tacoma, WashingtonJul 09, 20100 Comments

2 motorcycle cops will sit there to catch someone coming down the overpass of I-5. right across from the Goodwill.

S. 40th and Orchard

Tacoma, WashingtonApr 17, 20100 Comments

Heading toward University Place on Orchard there are always cops pulling people over right around 40th. The speed limit is 35 going one direction and 40 going the other so make sure you know which is which so that you don’t get caught.

84th St past Pacific Ave

Tacoma, WashingtonApr 17, 20100 Comments

There is a small school zone right past pacific avenue and the lights will be flashing whenever there’s a school zone but they have cop motorcycles literally sitting right where the school zone starts so don’t take your time slowing down or else they’ll get you before you realize they’re sitting there.

74th street between So. tacoma Way and I-5.

Tacoma, WashingtonApr 15, 20100 Comments

Motorcycle cops sitting on side streets on the south side of 74th st. near the elementry school. The speed limit is 30mph but most are doing 35-40. Don’t be the one they pick to enforce the speed limit.

38th Street past Tacoma Mall, before Safeway

Tacoma, WashingtonApr 14, 20100 Comments

Motorcycle cops often sit hidden at the bottom of the hill on the right side going towards Safeway store/gas station. Cars exit from I-5 directly down this hill, no one goes below speed limit here. If you see the cop(s) and you are going even a little faster than the other cars around you, you’ll be tailgated by the cop until they find any reason to pull you over.

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