San Diego, California Speed Traps

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US Highway 15 south bound near State Highway 52

San Diego, CaliforniaFeb 17, 20080 Comments

CHP Motorcycle Unit sits under overpasses and uses radar gun. He’s always under the same overpass when I see him. Since I’m looking for him, I can slow down in time. The width of the highway and relatively light traffic make 70 -75 mph a reasonably safe speed.

State Route 52 near US Highway 805

San Diego, CaliforniaFeb 14, 20080 Comments

Eastbound on the 52, a CHP sits under the 805 overpass during morning rush hour

Old El Camino Real Road near El Camino Real Road

San Diego, CaliforniaFeb 10, 20080 Comments

Many commuters use this "short cut" through a neighborhood to bypass the traffic on El Camino Real. As you are heading north on Old El Camino Real, driving down the hill, and picking up speed, the officer steps out from behind a tree with the radar gun.

State Highway 67 Northbound near Past the Graves exit Street

San Diego, CaliforniaFeb 05, 20080 Comments

Just past the last exit out of El Cajon(believe its Graves) heading into Santee on the 67 Northbound as you come around the freeway bend there always a highway patrol who sits there on the right and waits, by the time you come around and see him hes already nailed you, very unrealistic to think anyone is going to be going under 65mph when youre coming out of a long straight away on a freeway with a moderate to low amount of traffic.

Sorrento Valley Road near Arbutus Street

San Diego, CaliforniaJan 18, 20080 Comments

San Diego PD motorcycle officers sit in the parking lot of the San Diego County Credit Union with radar/laser and tag speeders going in both north and south directions. This section of Sorrento Vallkey Road a long straight stretch of roadway and the posted limit of 45 is easy to exceed. They are usually there during midday but can be there any time during daylight hours.

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