Jacksonville, Florida Speed Traps
Wonderwood Drive near Girvin Road
This speed trap is located heading west on Wonderwood Drive after the Intracoastal Bridge. There are normally 2 motorcycle cops that sit off to the side of the road in the bushes. They are only there in the afternoon after when the Naval Station is normally clearing out for the day. You NEVER see them there during the weekend so to me, they’re targeting members of the military. Further proof is there’s another motorcycle cop that sits on the eastbound side in the morning right before the bridge. Again, they’re never there during the weekend.
Jones Road near Doris Road
The officer will stand at the corner of Doris Rd and Jones RD. with a radar gun. By the time you see him it is to late. This is a 35 mph zone. Don’t do 39 mph.
University Blvd. N. Boulevard near Merrill Road
In front of Jacksonville University.
Lane Avenue near Beaver Street
Cops sits in Business Parking Lots sometimes behind fences especially between Beaver and Commonwealth
Grove Park Boulevard near Holiday Road
Police hide near bridge behind trees. You can’t see them until it is too late. The area lends itself to a 35 mph speed limit, but it is posted at 30.
(Jacksonville – Southside)