Peoria, Illinois Speed Traps

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Farmdale Road near Washington Street

Peoria, IllinoisApr 03, 20081 Comments

The police car will sit in the parking lot of Roc Ice Cream & Golf behind a sign. He is running radar down Farmdale Rd. coming into town. The speed limit drops from 45 to 35 well out into the country while most will continue at 45 until they get close to the Sonic restaurant.

Forrest Hill Street near Sterling Street

Peoria, IllinoisFeb 24, 20080 Comments

Coming off of Sterling the speed limit is 45 mph and before you cross Sterling on Forrest Hill the speed limit is 40 miles per hour. After crossing Sterling the speed limit chnages to 30 mph before the posted speed limit says it chnages. A cop sits in the parking lots on either side of the road and pulls over drivers all day long. More so in the eveing hours. More so the last week of the month but will be found there any day of the month.

W Forrest Hill Street near Sterling Road Street

Peoria, IllinoisFeb 23, 20080 Comments

As you cross Sterling going West on Forrest Hill the police sit over in the shopping plaza’s on either side of the road. As you cross the intersection the speed limit drops from 40 mph to 30 mph with no posting of the new speed limit til after you have passed their radar trap. If you turn off of Sterling you are on a 45 mpm speed limit. So from which ever way you are coming the speed limit changes with absolutely no warning and the speed limit is ten mph lower than mornal for the area. They usually stop you and say do you know how fast you were going if you say no they will give you a ticket and tell you you were going 40 mph which is most likely correct as you had not come to the speed sign letting you know of the chnage in speed limit. They are there the last week of every month.

Chater Oak Road near Big Hollow Road

Peoria, IllinoisNov 14, 20070 Comments

Same officer every morning usually in unmarked car. Between the hours of 8am-9am have seen though out the day as well. He sits in the middle of the lanes and gets people coming down the hills on either side. Its a perfect blind spot you can’t see him until it’s too late!

Martin Luther King Jr Drive near Kumpf Boulevard

Peoria, IllinoisSep 23, 20070 Comments

30 mph zone, but it’s two lanes in both directions with no parking on either side. It feels as though the speed limit could easily be 45, but you better stay near 30, or you’ll be given a ticket. Few warning tickets are handed out.

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