Gretna, Louisiana Speed Traps

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Lapalco Blvd & Fairfield Ave

Gretna, LouisianaJun 20, 20090 Comments

White unmanned SUV with yellow lights on the roof.. Commercial outfit on hire to Grenta. They are using video tape to ticket everything over 40 in a 35 !!! They mail a 147.50 ticket in about 5 days…

Wall Blvd & Willowbrook Dr

Gretna, LouisianaMay 25, 20091 Comments

This Trap is operated by Jefferson Parish Sherriff Office. The officer parks on Willowbrook Dr. and radars cars along Wall Blvd. They are caught as they make the slight bend on Wall. Usually several police cars are there writing tickets. This is a highly profitable spot, lots of traffic, and well hidden.

Wall Blvd & Lake Timberlane Dr

Gretna, LouisianaMay 25, 20090 Comments

Jefferson Parish sets up a Radar Trap along Wall Blvd in the morning and afternoon hours. This road is traveled mostly by locals traveling to work, or taking their children to the local schools. From the Fire Station to Lapalco Blvd there are 3 school zones. A private school on Wall Blvd is heavely traveled, and heavely enforced. Set up is in the Fire Station, or near the fence of the Academy. Further down Wall is a large playground with plenty of hiding spaces.

Look in the U turn Lane near Marlene Dr.

Gretna, LouisianaMay 25, 20090 Comments

As you make the bend on Lapalco Blvd near Marlene Dr. a Gretna cop will park his car in the entrance of the U-turn lane. This car is completly hidden until you almost arrive at the U-turn. The car is shrouded by the bend, and trees over the U-turn.

Gretna Avenue near Cemetary

Gretna, LouisianaAug 06, 20081 Comments

Police cars or motorcycles hide in the U-turn lane near the entrance of the cemetary. They are unseen due to high guard rails along the canal between the lanes.

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