Shelby Township, Michigan Speed Traps

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Along 23 mile rd. between Mound and Van Dyke

Shelby Township, MichiganMar 29, 20100 Comments

Police sit in various driveways along the whole stretch, day or night.

Note: There is a Shelby, MI (49455) and a Shelby Township, MI (48315 through 48318)

Along 23 mile rd. between Mound and Van Dyke

Shelby Township, MichiganMar 29, 20100 Comments

Police sit in various driveways along the whole stretch, day or night.

Note: There is a Shelby, MI (49455) and a Shelby Township, MI (48315 or 48318)

Milonas Drive – 21 mile between Schoenherr and Hayes

Shelby Township, MichiganMar 26, 20103 Comments

This street cuts through from 21 Mile to 22 Mile. Unmarked cop car sits with radar just past stop sign at Peterson on Milonas.

Lakeside Blvd. connecting Hayes Rd. and Schoenherr Rd.

Shelby Township, MichiganJan 08, 20101 Comments

Shelby Police officer sits in a hidden drive just past the town houses and shoots radar both ways. You can’t see him until it is too late.

Van Dyke Expressway near 26 Mile rd. Bypass

Shelby Township, MichiganMar 12, 20081 Comments

Police car sits on west side of Van Dyke Expressway & south side of 26 mile rd. overpass behind hill. People driving south on V.D. expressway dont see cop until they drive under 26 mile overpass. Cop waiting for them on other side with radar.

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