Shelby Township, Michigan Speed Traps
23 Mile Road Street near Van Dyke Road
Police sit on the south side of 23 Mile Road West of Van Dyke in a driveway almost across the street from Henderson Glass.
Mound Road near Hall Road
On the corner of Hall Rd & Mound there is a car that frequently sits in the racquet ball building parking lot (right before Joe Dumars Fieldhouse)It is hard to see because of the trees. The speed limit is 50mph.
Auburn Road near West Utica/M59 Service Drive Road
At the border of Shelby Township and Utica, the south bound side of Auburn drops from 35mph to 25mph while the north bound side stays at 35mph. A police officer sits at the RV center at the corner of Auburn and the service drive.
Mound Road near Auburn Road
Officer is usually sitting next to AAA office checking speed of north bound traffic on mound road. usually the ones pushing the yellow light that are nabbed here.
Van Dyke Expressway near 21st & 22 Mile Roads
Shelby police cruisers hide behind cement buttresses for overpasses. Can’t see them ’til you get right on top of them. Makes no sense because traffic is already slow due to rush hour. All they do is make it even slower because everyone automatically hits their brakes.